
2015-11-12 00:00:00碧玉 高级英语

  Take a look at the records of international running events in the last fifty years.Before 1980,the winners of distance races were usually from North America and Europe.There were some winners from other counties ,but there were't very many of them. There were no Africa names among the winners then, but things are very different now.


  Today the stars of the race track are Kalenjin. The Kalenjin are an Africa people from the borders of North West Kenya and Ethiopia. Their homeland is a hot ,dry plateau, about 2,500 metres above sea level. These people are natural athletes. They have long,thin legs. Their heart-rate is usually slow. There are long three million of them.


  Twelve of the world's top twenty marathon runners are now Kalenjin. Every year ,they win 40 percent of the top honours in all international distance races .And it's not just the men.


  A few years ago, there were't any distance races for women.These days, there are lots of them . Kalenjin women win all their events as well.



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