
2017-01-22 00:00:00嘉辉 思科认证

  实施思科安全移动解决方案(SIMOS) 主要检验考生作为网络安全工程师对各种在思科ASA防火墙及思科IOS软件平台上可用的虚拟专用网络(VPN)解决方案。该考试主要考察考生是否具备通过VPN技术实施安全远程通信的知识,包括远程接入SSL VPN及点到点VPN(DMVPN,FlexVPN)。

  Exam Description: The first paragraph is the exam description that is followed by a second paragraph with standard copy that appears on all exam topics.

  The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

  1.0 Secure Communications

  1.1 Implement Site to Site VPNs on Routers and Firewalls

  1.1.a Describe GETVPN

  1.1.b Implement IPsec (with IKEv1 and IKEv2)

  1.1.c Implement DMVPN (Hub-Spoke and spoke-spoke)

  1.2 Implement remote access VPNs on Routers and Firewalls

  1.2.a Implement AnyConnect IKEv2 VPNs

  1.2.b Implement SSLVPN: client and clientless

  1.3 Implement Site to Site VPNs on Routers and Firewall

  1.3.a Implement FlexVPN

  1.4 Implement remote access VPNs on Routers and Firewalls

  1.4.a Implement SSLVPN: client and clientless

  1.4.b Implement FLEX VPN

  2.0 Troubleshooting, Monitoring and Reporting Tools

  2.1 Analyze syslog and VPN debug logs via ASDM

  3.0 Secure Communications Architectures

  3.1 Design Site-to-site VPN solution

  3.2 Design Remote access VPN solution

  3.3 Describe Encryption, hashing, incl NGE


上一篇:思科入门级网络认证路由和交换综合考试大纲 下一篇:保护思科无线企业网络考试要点(最新)